News For This Month
FFormation Hour at 9:15 each Sunday
In the Auditorium: GROUP DISCUSSION. Grab coffee or tea, then join in a large group conversation about a variety of subjects.
11/5 & 11/12 – How to Survive Your In-laws During the Holidays. Prepare yourself now for the challenges that lie ahead. We’ll discuss spiritual life hacks that help with any difficult relationship.
11/19 – What is St. Elizabeth’s Jubilee Center? Talk with the Executive Director of one of our most impactful ministries in the City of Portland. Learn about Jubilee Centers in the Episcopal Church and about the challenges facing Portland and our region. Sarah Coburn Borgeson will visit us to speak about our November Outreach partner.
11/26 – Advent Wreath-Making Workshop
Make a wreath and start an Advent tradition with your family. Bring greens from home if you can and clippers too. We will supply the rest. Feel free to bring a yummy treat to share.
In the Chapel: BE STILL. Grab a seat for a time of thoughtful reflections and small group discussion of topical poetry and mystical readings.
Guiding RAY (Religious Adventures for Youth)
GR is for all young people ages 0 to 10. The doors open in the lower level of the Parish House at 9:15 each Sunday with projects and play, then classes begin at 10:00. GR is a cooperative effort that counts on the participation of many people. Please speak with Meg Hurdman and Melissa Roland about volunteering. There are opportunities for all.
Wisdom Seekers: Tuesdays at 10:30
This weekly Bible study group continues its group study and discussion of our weekly lessons in the Guild Room. This is a great way to prepare for our upcoming Sunday worship. All are welcome to join in the exploration and learning.
Sparkles Donation Drop-off dates:
It’s getting close to Sparkle Season! Come check out the opportunities to help and make friends. Remember to bring donations on upcoming drop-off Saturdays: Nov 4 & 18
Also: Bean! Beans!! Bring dry bean donations to the Parish House for the making of Friendship Soup.
Suicide Prevention Workshop: Saturday, Nov 11, 1-5pm
All are invited to sign up for this 4-hour training in suicide alertness and prevention. This is applicable to, and useful for, each person. safeTALK is a globally used resource developed by LivingWorks (see Register before November 8 by emailing Fr Nathan at There is a fee of $30 which covers the cost of materials you will receive.
St. Elizabeth’s Jubilee Center
Donations of housewares & kitchenware needed. All needs are increasing at record levels. Saint Marians go to serve on the 3rd Tuesday – next one is on Tuesday 21 November.
Last Sunday Offering for November
St. E’s is the focus of our Mission learning and doing for November. St. Elizabeth’s is a low-barrier pantry serving non-food essentials that cannot be purchased with SNAP funds to all those in need, including new Mainers and Mainers whose families have been here for generations. Distributions are on Tuesday mornings with a special focus each week and month. Sun, Nov 19 we welcome St. E’s Director, Sarah Coburn Borgeson, to Saint Mary’s for Formation time and Tues, Nov 21 is our day to serve there.
Falmouth Food Pantry
Donations of canned tuna, chicken, soups, (no cream-based), boxes of pasta, cold cereal, granola bars or checks. Serving 200 families/month.
Souper Supper: Fridays 10 & 24 in November, 5 – 7 PM
Enjoy this free sit-down dinner of hearty soup, salad, rolls, desserts and a beverage. Come out to eat or volunteer to help set-up or serve on the 2nd & 4th Fridays! Buy Coffee By Design coffee to support Souper Supper.
Souper Supper: our October Last Sunday Offering
Today we are collecting donations to support the important ministry of Souper Supper. This is our Outreach ministry focus for the month of October. Please consider a generous donation. All donations for this ministry can be placed in the Baptismal Font. Thank you!
Fall Campus Clean-Up: Sun. Nov. 12, after services
Grab your rakes, gloves, blowers, tarps, dust rags and wear your work clothes to church! The project lists are for indoor and outdoor activities.
We need “all hands on deck” to work together to clean up our campus and
inside spaces too before winter. Coffee, drinks and Snacks provided. Questions?
Hugh Smith,
or Fred Webber,
Thanksgiving Eve Eucharist: WED 22 November at 6 PM
Gather your family and friends for a joyful Thanksgiving Eucharist on the evening before the holiday. After the liturgy, all are invited to stay for the lighting of the Kyros Memorial Tree with the remembrances of those who have died in the last year, and those for whom we are grateful. Be on watch for the opportunity to submit your names for remembrance.
Special Guest on Christ the King Sunday 26 November
On the Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend, the Right Reverend Ann Ritonia will be on our Presider and Preacher. Bishop Ann is the Bishop Suffragan for the Armed Forces and Federal Ministries. She serves in this role under the Presiding Bishop and serves as Fr Nathan’s “other” bishop when he is on duty as a Navy and Coast Guard Chaplain. Her office is at The National Cathedral in Washington, DC. Please greet her warmly as she visits Maine and Saint Mary’s.