Formation Time in Advent: Sundays at 9:30  

  • DEC 10: Thomas Merton – who is he and why is he famous?  
  • DEC 17: The Four Gospel Canticles surrounding the Birth of Jesus 
  • DEC 24: Nothing today, we’re prepping for the Pageant! 

Advent Quiet Morning:  Saturday 16 December, 9 AM – 12 noon 

Getting Directions to the Kingdom of Heaven

Register now for this special morning led by Merle Marie Troeger. The Chapel is used as the primary gathering point for this Advent Quiet Morning when we’ll contemplate this central image of Jesus’ teaching, the Kingdom of Heaven. FMI and to register, contact the Parish Office. 

St. Mary Schola Advent Concert: Friday, December 15, 7:30 

A Napolean Christmas. Buy your tickets for a concert of seasonal music for Advent.  

  • Friday 15 December, 7:30 PM, Saint Mary’s, Falmouth 
  • Saturday 16 December, 3:00 PM, St. Luke’s Cathedral, Portland 

Wisdom Seekers: each Tuesday at 10:30

This weekly Bible study group continues its group study and discussion of our weekly lessons. This is a great way to prepare for our upcoming Sunday worship. All are welcome to join in the exploration and learning. 

Christmas Pageant: Sunday 24 December at 10:15 AM 

Sign up NOW to have your children participate in the Pageant! Email Emily Rodgers at  

Pageant rehearsals are today at 11:30 and Pageant Dress Rehearsal will be on SUNDAY 17 December at 11:30 in the Sanctuary. The entire cast meets in the Guiding RAY room. All participants need to be at the dress rehearsal.  

The Christmas Pageant is Sunday 24 December at 10:15 – the Fourth Sunday in Advent (No Guiding RAY classes that day – all children in church.) 

Guiding RAY (Religious Adventures for Youth)  

GR is for all young people ages 0 to 12. The doors open in the lower level of the Parish House at 9:15 each Sunday with projects and play, then classes begin at 10:00. GR is a cooperative effort that counts on the participation of many people. Please speak with Meg Hurdman and Melissa Roland about volunteering. There are opportunities for all.   

St Elizabeth’s Jubilee Center:  

Adult Winter Coat Drive, plus kitchen & cookware (no other clothing). Saint Mary’s is committed to serving at this vital ministry to new Mainers and those in need on the morning of each third Tuesday from 8:30-11. FMI and to find out how to participate, contact Stan Eaton at   

Red Cross Blood Drives:  Dec 28  –  Critical Need! 

Please consider sharing your blood in this season of giving. The need is constant. Lives depend on it! This Red Cross blood drive will be in our Auditorium.

Stewardship 2024:  Rooted in Abundance

If the  image for our pledge campaign looks familiar it’s because it is from our altar. Perhaps, a vestry long ago, decided that a tree on our altar was an apt metaphor for the way we dig deep into what nourishes us to transform that goodness into work, service, and joy in a world that needs us more than ever. Supporting Saint Mary’s gives us the conduit to do good things like strengthen our children’s program.  Thank you to the _90_ households who have pledged $_218,720__. There’s still time to pledge! Here’s the link for our pledge form (HERE).For more information on how to pledge, contact the parish office, or Janet Bowne,

Sunday 24 DEC is the Fourth Sunday in Advent AND Christmas Eve 

The worship schedule will be as follows: 

10:15 AM     Advent 4 Christmas Pageant 

4:00 PM                 Family Christmas Eve Lessons & Carols 

9:00 PM                 Candlelight Choral Eucharist 

Blue Christmas: Thursday 22 December at Noon 

All are invited to this quiet, reflective service for those of us who are grieving, sad, lonely, not feeling particularly festive, feeling the fatigue of COVID or just in need of quiet in the busy-ness of the season. Please spread the word to those you know.  

Join us for this memorable communion service of rest, comfort, and healing.

Suicide Prevention Workshop: Saturday 13 January, 2 – 6 PM 

Would you know how to respond if a friend or co-worker began to hint about suicide? Your help could be the difference between life and death. Sign up for this 4-hour training in suicide alertness and prevention. This is applicable to, and useful for, each person. safeTALK is a globally used resource developed by LivingWorks (see Register before November 9 by emailing Fr Nathan at There is a fee of $30 which covers the cost of materials you will receive (Scholarships are available.)