Annual Meeting & Foundation 135 Presentation:
Sunday 28 January, 9:15 to Noon
YOU are needed to participate in our Annual Meeting where we elect officers to manage the fiduciary and practical matters of our parish community. We will gather for one Eucharist at 9:15, move to the Auditorium for brunch, manage our parish business, and have a presentation about our Foundation 135 project.
Formation Time in January: Sundays at 9:15
In the Auditorium
- JAN 7: Christian Division and Unity
- JAN 14: The Three Great Awakenings in America
- JAN 21: Partners for World Health
- JAN 28: Annual Meeting with brunch at 10:30 (worship at 9:15)
In the Chapel
Be Still for contemplative readings with reflections in the Chapel
Immerse Bible Reading: Kingdoms Discussion are Sundays at 5 PM
The Immerse Bible divides the Bible into 6 sections. This will be the fourth section that Saint Mary’s will read through as a group. This section includes the Hebrew books from Joshua through 2 Kings. The focus is on who lives in the land of Canaan, known today as Palestine and Israel. A pertinent topic, don’t you agree? Pick up a copy in Saint Mary’s Office soon, purchase your own, or listen to the online audio files (also on Spotify). Then gather on ZOOM for a fireside chat to discuss what we read, beginning on Sunday 14 January at 5 PM. What a great use of some downtime in the winter!
Suicide Prevention Workshop: Saturday 13 January, 2 – 6 PM
Would you know how to respond if a friend or co-worker began to hint about suicide? Your help could be the difference between life and death. Sign up for this 4-hour training in suicide alertness and prevention. This is applicable to, and useful for, each person. safeTALK is a globally used resource developed by LivingWorks (see Register before November 9 by emailing Fr Nathan at There is a fee of $30 which covers the cost of materials you will receive (Scholarships are available.)
First Communion Weekend: February 10-11
Baptism is the only requirement to receive Communion. All members of God’s family are fed at God’s Table. Saint Mary’s offers First Communion Weekends as a teaching opportunity for our young people, especially those in Grades 2 to 4 in school. It is also a chance for families to celebrate the spiritual life of their children. Saturday is a retreat day for teaching and crafts with Fr Nathan. At the Sunday Choral Eucharist, the children are celebrated and given an opportunity to share what they learned. Pleas speak with Fr Nathan or Miss Meg now if you have a child who wishes to participate.
Wisdom Seekers: each Tuesday at 10:30
This weekly Bible study group continues its group study and discussion of our weekly lessons. This is a great way to prepare for our upcoming Sunday worship. All are welcome to join in the exploration and learning.
Guiding RAY (Religious Adventures for Youth)
GR is for all young people ages 0 to 12. The doors open in the lower level of the Parish House at 9:15 each Sunday with projects and play, then classes begin at 10:00. GR is a cooperative effort that counts on the participation of many people. Please speak with Meg Hurdman and Melissa Roland about volunteering. There are opportunities for all.
Youth Service Corp is going tubing! January 21 at 1:30
Come on out, have some winter fun and fellowship with our friends from area churches. All Middle & High School aged students from the area churches (parents welcome) are invited to join in the fun on Sunday, January 21 at 1:30 at Sea Coast Adventure Park in Windham (930 Roosevelt Trail.) It’s only 35 minutes away, cost is 26.50 if we get 20ppl , but help is available if there are issues. Let Deacon Matthew know if you are interested in going at or 540-429-9172.
St Elizabeth’s Jubilee Center:
Adult Winter Coat Drive, plus kitchen & cookware (no other clothing). Saint Mary’s is committed to serving at this vital ministry to new Mainers and those in need on the morning of each third Tuesday from 8:30-11. FMI and to find out how to participate, contact Stan Eaton at
Red Cross Blood Drives: Feb 2, 9 – 2pm – Critical Need!
Please consider sharing your blood in this season of giving. The need is constant. Lives depend on it! This Red Cross blood drive will be in our Auditorium.
Stewardship 2024: Rooted in Abundance
If the image for our pledge campaign looks familiar it’s because it is from our altar. Perhaps, a vestry long ago, decided that a tree on our altar was an apt metaphor for the way we dig deep into what nourishes us to transform that goodness into work, service, and joy in a world that needs us more than ever. Supporting Saint Mary’s gives us the conduit to do good things like strengthen our children’s program. Thank you to all the households who have pledged and got us closer to our $300,000 goal. There’s still time to pledge! Here’s the link for our pledge form (HERE).For more information on how to pledge, contact the parish office, or Janet Bowne,
Saint Mary’s BOOK SALE: Saturday 16 March, 9 –Noon
Calling ALL Books!!
All proceeds will go to support the Outreach ministries of our parish.
To donate books, help sort books, to carry books, or lead a section, or if you have any questions, please email: Vanessa Record at or Jan Mordarski (, or Becky Pride (
Bring your donated books to the lower-level hallway.
No encyclopedias, magazines or textbooks, please.