Ash Wednesday is February 14
12 noon: Brief Ash Wednesday liturgy In the Sanctuary
4:00: Family Ash Wednesday gathering In the Chapel
6:00: Ash Wednesday Liturgy with Music In the Sanctuary – on Facebook Live
Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are the two Fasting Days in the year that each Christian is expected to observe “by special acts of discipline and self-denial” according to the Prayer Book. FMI, see the Calendar section of the BCP on p.17.
Immerse Bible Reading: Kingdoms Discussion, Sundays at 5 PM
The Immerse Bible divides the Bible into 6 sections. This will be the sixth section that Saint Mary’s will read through as a group. This section includes the Hebrew books from Joshua through 2 Kings. The focus is on who lives in the land of Canaan, known today as Palestine and Israel. A pertinent topic, don’t you agree? Today we will discuss the end of 1 Samuel and the beginning of 2 Samuel. Gather on ZOOM for a fireside chat to discuss what we read, today at 5 PM. See the eNews for more details and the ZOOM link, or email
Our February Outreach Partner: Falmouth Food Pantry
The Falmouth Food Pantry is currently serving just under 200 families (about 540 family members) a month. They are very appreciative of the generous donations from Saint Mary’s to support this ministry. Volunteers continue to deliver boxes of non-perishable food, fresh vegetables, eggs, and meat to the homes of families who need food assistance. We will collect an offering to support this vital ministry at our Last Sunday Offering on February 25.
Falmouth Food Pantry Presentation: February 4 at 9:15
Please gather in the auditorium at Formation time for a discussion on the realities of hunger here in Maine presented by Deacon Matthew. This will be followed by a discussion about the Falmouth Food Pantry by Nancy Lightbody. Bring your questions and ideas, and join the conversation!
Formation Time in February: Sundays at 9:15
In the Auditorium
- FEB 11: Pancake Breakfast for All
Tradition dictates the eating of pancakes before Lent begins. Come and eat as many as you can on this “Shrove Sunday”. All ages are welcome! - FEB 18 & 25: Lenten Discussion Series – Bearing Witness in the Holy Land, Each of the five sessions is grounded in a Gospel passage and accompanied with videos and resources from the American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem.
In the Chapel: Be Still for contemplative readings with reflections in the Chapel
Shrove Sunday Pancake Breakfast: February 11, 9 – 10:15 AM
Let’s gather for the traditional Mardi Gras or Shrove Tuesday pancake meal on Sunday morning instead! Join us for a parish-wide pancake breakfast from 9 – 10:15 in the Auditorium. Parishioners of all ages are welcome, including families and children. Bring your cans of soup and other food donations for our SOUPERBowl collection.
SOUPERBowl of Caring: Let’s Tackle Hunger Together!
Bring cans of soup and other food donations on the first two Sundays in February to fill the shelves at the Falmouth Food Pantry. Let’s give more effort to fight hunger in our state than we do to watch a football game! Add your donations to the bucket in front of the Kitchen or in the Narthex.
Saint Mary’s BOOK SALE: Saturday 16 March, 9 – 12 Noon Calling ALL Books!!
All proceeds will go to support the Outreach ministries of our parish.
To donate books, help sort books, to carry books, or lead a section, or if you have any questions, please email: Vanessa Record at or Jan Mordarski (, or Becky Pride (
Bring your donated books to the lower-level hallway.
No encyclopedias, magazines or textbooks, please.
Save the date: Book Sale Coffee Hour on February 25: Sign up to help
St Elizabeth’s Jubilee Center:
The Drive for kitchen & cookware (no other clothing) cntinues. Saint Mary’s is committed to serving at this vital ministry to new Mainers and those in need on the morning of each third Tuesday from 8:30-11. FMI and to find out how to participate, contact Stan Eaton at
Guiding RAY (Religious Adventures for Youth)
GR is for all young people ages 0 to 12. The doors open in the lower level of the Parish House at 9:15 each Sunday with projects and play, then classes begin at 10:00. GR is a cooperative effort that counts on the participation of many people. Please speak with Meg Hurdman and Melissa Roland about volunteering. There are opportunities for all.
Wisdom Seekers: each Tuesday at 10:30
This weekly Bible study group continues its group study and discussion of our weekly lessons in the Guild Room. This is a great way to prepare for our upcoming Sunday worship. All are welcome to join in the exploration and learning.
COUPLE CHECK UP: A Resource for Saint Valentine’s Day…and beyond
Looking for a proven resource to strengthen your relationship and spark meaningful conversations? Check out this resource called Couple Checkup ( It is built on the same database as the renowned Prepare-Enrich tool, and it can be utilized by couples of any kind. If you are honest and open-minded, a Couple Checkup may offer great insights that can increase the health of your most important earthly relationship.
Forgiveness Sunday on February 18
On the First Sunday of Lent, our Sunday morning liturgy changes quite a bit. As we dive into this season of self-examination and preparation, we pray the Great Litany (first written in English in 1544), and we participate in the Rite of Forgiveness (an ancient Lenten practice from the Eastern Orthodox tradition). Get ready to feel the change that Lent brings to us on Sunday 18 February.
Please be mindful of our Kneelers
The beautiful works of art which add some much color to our Sanctuary are for kneeling in prayer. They do not work well as footstools or stepstools. THANK YOU for helping to care for them!
Sunday 10 March: Episcopal Visitation with Bishop Brown
Whenever our Bishop visits, there is an opportunity to celebrate Baptism, Confirmation, Reception or Reaffirmation. If you feel called to pursue one of these sacramental acts with Bishop Brown, be in touch with our Parish Office right away so that plans can be made.
Sunday 17 March: Newcomers Welcome
We are blessed to have many new members of our Saint Mary’s family. If you would like to be recognized and welcomed on this day, be in touch with our Parish Office and we will get you on the list.
Sunday 24 March: Palm Sunday
Last year, our Palm Procession was led by a real donkey! It is possible that the donkey will make a triumphant return (get it?!), but no matter what, we will have a glorious and powerful morning to remember the Lord’s triumphant entry and his Passion in Jerusalem. And we get to enjoy some Hot Cross Buns with our coffee or tea.
Sunday 31 March: Resurrection Sunday
Holy Week ends on the Eighth Day, the Day of Resurrection and the New Creation. On this special Sunday, we will gather at 9 and 11 AM for two identical and festive celebrations of the Holy Eucharist.