Annual Giving/Pledge

Walk In Love
The Gospel invites us to Walk in Love with our neighbor in their footsteps, with the outcast the marginalized, and with those who need us.
Fill Out Your Pledge Form
We have two ways to fill out your pledge form to submit to the church office. You may download/print the form, complete it, and return it to the office, or you may fill out the form on the website, which will be emailed directly to the office.
For online pledges and electronic payments, please visit our Online Giving page.
Here at Saint Mary’s, we are building authentic, vibrant, Christ-centered community as we…
- Celebrate the goodness of God and the gift of life,
- Honor the presence of Christ in one another, and
- Serve the world in the power of the Holy Spirit.
We cannot accomplish this mission without resources. We need the voluntary offering of time, talents and treasure from those who love God and this family known as Saint Mary’s in order to be effective in mission.
In the autumn of each year, we establish a budget for the upcoming calendar year (which is our fiscal year). Then we campaign with our people to collect their pledge commitments in support of this budget. These generous offerings provide the vast majority of the revenue that Saint Mary’s needs in order to celebrate, honor and serve as God has called us to do.
We are caretakers of an amazing place. Created by the grief which parents had over the loss of their child, Saint Mary’s has been an integral component of Falmouth and Maine for over 134 years. Our founders, General John Marshall Brown and Mrs. Alida Brown, had tremendous vision when they laid the cornerstone of the small rural chapel in 1890. The next time you’re going forward to receive communion, take a moment to read the words of the plaque on the Chancel floor and remember the dedication of those who have gone before us.
The Brown family built this amazing place and gave it to the Episcopal Church of Maine in honor of the dead and for the benefit of the living. They had no way of knowing how Saint Mary’s would grow and become a catalyst for action and transformation. Their faithful stewardship highlights the communion of saints – past, present, and yet to come – who share their lives together for the work of God in a way that is impossible without the sharing of community life.
All of us, from the occasional parishioner to the die-hard volunteer, are stewards of this legacy and offer so much to Saint Mary’s. Our leadership, clergy and staff serve as a hub around which everything from funerals to mission trips and baptisms to book sales revolve. Each of us in our own way helps to do the work we are called to do. In 2015, we celebrated our 125th anniversary. Thanks to the vision of our founders and to the energy and commitment of our parish, we will ensure another 125 years!
Please thoughtfully and prayerfully consider how your financial support of this community allows us to share the light of Christ year after year in ways that we can never do as isolated individuals or households. God has called us together for this purpose and end: to be a beacon of hope and light in the midst of a confused and troubled world.