Ministries, Committees, and Guilds
Younger parishioners (aged eight and above) assist the clergy in conducting worship during the school year. From lighting candles, to carrying the processional cross, and helping to prepare the altar. Our acolytes are a source of pride and joy. It is also a great way for children and youth to be part of our worship service and connect with the Saint Mary’s community. Youth may also earn community service hours. Acolytes have the Summer off.
Coordinator: Christie Rana
Alida Greely Brown Heritage Society
A special group of those who have included Saint Mary’s in their will or estate plans and have notified the Parish Office. There is an annual luncheon. Interested in learning more?
Contact: Janet Bowne
Altar Flower Guild
This highly-talented and deeply-committed group arranges the flowers on the altar for Sundays, Holy Days, and for weddings and funerals as requested. Their creativity and artistry are unparalleled.
Co-Chair: Jessica LaPlante and Onnie Hastings
Altar Flower Delivery
Each week, the Altar Flower Delivery Guild delivers the flowers which have graced the altar to parishioners who are ill, homebound, or who are observing a celebration of a milestone. It’s one way of extending our Sunday worship to those for whom we have prayed.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is at the very core of our communal worship. Working in teams, the members prepare the sanctuary for worship by dressing the altar, polishing silver, washing and ironing linens, and by cleaning up after the services. It’s a behind-the-scenes ministry of quiet reverence.
Co-Chairs: Janet Bowne and Mary Smith
Blood Drives
Saint Mary’s hosts and sponsors two Red Cross blood drives each year in our Auditorium. One is held on Good Friday as a way for us to identify with the Lord’s shedding of his blood on the cross for us. The other is held around Thanksgiving. Volunteers are always needed.
Coordinator: Joyce Verey
Buildings and Grounds
The B&G team has long been known for its ability to accomplish great things using little money! These dedicated parishioners keep the grounds clean, the heat on, the Rectory in tip top shape, and the church bells ringing. The B&G team organizes a parish-wide Fall clean-up & Spring clean-up, which attracts many parishioners with rakes and leaf blowers in hand.
Chair: Hugh Smith & Fred Webber
Budget and Finance Committee
This committee is made up of parishioners who are CPAs, have finance experience or just like numbers. They are led by the Treasurer. They work together to review parish financial data; direct the preparation of the annual budget; recommend fiscal actions to the Vestry; and ensure that the parish financial records are independently audited each year.
Chair/Treasurer: Peter Guyton, Treasurer
CARE Circle
A monthly meeting of all those who help us pay attention to the needs of fellow parishioners. A list of those in need of care is kept and the various ways by which we might care for them is discussed. Open to all who feel called to help.
Casserole Ministry
Dozens of Saint Mary’s excellent cooks prepare and deliver meals to parishioners in need or when families and individuals find themselves unable to cook following surgery or recovering from illness. More cooks are always needed!
Coordinator: Christie Rana
Choir & music ministry
Under the skilled direction of our Music Director, organist and choirmaster, James Kennerly, the Choir sings at our Sunday 10:15am Choral Eucharist from early September through mid June, as well as on Holy Days and other events throughout the year (e.g., Ash Wednesday, Holy Week, Advent, Christmas, evensongs). Saint Mary’s is blessed with a vibrant, talented and diverse music ministry that plays a vital role in our worship through the choir, soloists, instruments, organ and congregational song. With a foundation of traditional Anglican music, we also embrace ancient chants, music from the Taize community, and local/parishioner compositions. FMI:
Music Director: James Kennerley, Music Minister
Guiding RAY (Religious Adventures for Youth)
Children (PreK – 5th grade) are welcomed to Sunday workshops held from early September through mid June. FMI: Nursery care is provided year round for our youngest parishioners (infant to 3 yrs old). FMI:
Family Minister: Meg Hurdman,
Christian Formation for Adults
Adult Formation hour is offered at 9:15am between the 8am and 10:15am Sunday Euchartists. Read the weekly eNews and the monthly AVE eNewsletter for updates. There are also additional opportunities for adult formation such as weekly bible & book studies (Wisdom Seekers, Merton group), weekend retreats, theological conferences, and other discussion groups. Sign up for the monthly Maine Diocese Dio Log eNewsletter to find more opportunities:
Interim Priest in Charge: The Rev. Jane Milliken Hague
The Churchyard committee works closely with the Vestry and the Buildings and Grounds committee in the maintenance and upkeep of Saint Mary’s Churchyard, the Burial Garden, and Saint Mary’s Woods (a setting, forever natural, for the interment of cremated remains.) The committee works closely with the Parish Manager in supervising the sale of plots, and arranging for the opening and closing of gravesites.
Chair: Hugh Smith
Eucharistic Ministers/Lectors
The ministry of the lector is to read the Scripture lesson, and sometimes lead the congregation in praying the appointed Psalm. Lectors come up from the congregation and do not vest. St. Mary’s provides some training, but Lectors do not need to be licensed by the Bishop.
Eucharistic Ministers assist the Clergy by reading the Scripture lesson, leading the Prayers of the People, and administering a chalice at Communion. Eucharistic Ministers receive special training, and are licensed by the Bishop during each Advent upon recommendation of the Rector.
Chair: Becky Pride
Eucharistic Visitors
Eucharistic Visitors are specially trained and licensed by the Bishop to take the Reserved Sacrament to those parishioners unable to be present at the Eucharist. In this way, those who are ill or homebound are included as part of our Saint Mary’s family whether present or absent. This group is part of the Saint Mary’s Pastoral Visitors.
Priest in Charge: The Rev. Jane Milliken Hague
Healing Team
This team prays for all who ask for healing, for themselves or on behalf of another, at our Sunday Eucharist. This ministry often includes the laying-on-of-hands and anointing with oil.
Deacon: The Rev. Matthew Simpson
Hospitality & Fellowship
The committee promotes Fellowship. They are our event planners who coordinate special meals and receptions for the Parish, and coordinate Sunday coffee hours hosted by parishioners and the various ministries, committees & guilds. They also assist other ministries, committees & guilds as needed for special events. The committee itself is assisted by many volunteers on an ad-hoc basis who shop, cook, bake, set up, take down, and clean up.
Coffee Hour Coordinator: Robin Webber
Kneeler Guild
The needlepoint kneelers in our church are designed, stitched and assembled by this guild. Some parishioners meet weekly on Wednesday mornings; others work in their homes and come in for assistance as needed. If you would like to have a kneeler as a memorial or thanksgiving, please contact a committee member; there are only a few kneelers left unfunded.
Chair: Jan Mordarski
Landscape Team
We are blessed with beautiful and extensive grounds at St. Mary’s campus, but it takes a lot of work to keep them in good shape. This team adopts specific flower beds and areas which need weeding and maintenance.
Coordinator: Lucy Ellis
Memorial Reception
This committee offers tangible pastoral care at a time of grief and loss. Preparing a delicious “Silver Tea” service after a funeral or memorial nourishes both body and soul. The committee relies on the talent of many volunteers who shop, cook, bake, make tea sandwiches, pour tea and coffee, set up, take down, clean up. This committee is equally adept at receptions from 25 to 200. It is a true labor of love.
Co-Chairs: Alice Brock & Joyce Verey
Middlers (Youth Formation)
Open to all young people in Middle School (grades 6 – 8). Join Family Chapel at 10am with Guiding RAY in the lower level of the Parish House. At 10:15am head to the Youth room in the lower level of the Parish House to play games, eat snacks, and laugh a little. FMI:
Leaders: Autumn 2024 – Jamie & Austin Clark and Jim & Melissa Kane
Newcomers Welcome & Fellowship
This team warmly welcomes all parishioners who are new to Saint Mary’s. They coordinate delightful social events three times per year at parishioners’ homes, where the newly-arrived and the well-established may meet and get to know one another.
Coordinator: Mary Ann McLean
Office Angels
This group of volunteers works in the parish office on a rotating basis. They support the Parish Manager helping with the Sunday bulletin, weekly eNews, the monthly “AVE” eNewsletter, answering the phone, filing, update brochures, special projects, and other clerical tasks. Angels are a convivial bunch, and the highlight of the year is the annual “spring luncheon.”
Coordinator: Jennifer Gregg
Outreach Committee
The mission of the Outreach Committee is to lead our parish family in responding to local, state, national and global needs. We focus on those lacking food, housing and those who are in physical and emotional need, giving special attention to programs which enable people to overcome these conditions in order to improve their lives. In addition to disbursing budgeted funds, which is a percentage of all collected pledges, the Outreach Committee leads the congregation in “hands on” projects.
Chair: Jennifer Gregg
Pastoral Visitors
The Pastoral Visitors visit parishioners who are ill, in the hospital, homebound, or otherwise have need of Christian care and support. Some Pastoral Visitors are licensed Eucharistic Visitors who bring Holy Communion to the ill and homebound.
Coordinator:The Rev. Jane Milliken Hague, Interim Priest in Charge
Prayer Chain
This group of people commit to pray daily for parishioners and friends whose names (and needs) have been shard with them. They pray for people nearby and far away and for the concerns of the larger world.
Coordinator: Becky Pride
Prayer Shawl
This group knits shawls using large needles and a very simple pattern that involves three rows of three – representing the Holy Trinity. The shawls are given as gifts of love to our graduates and others. The group is also expanding their mission to other knitting projects.
Coordinator: Ginny Stelk
Souper Supper Ministry
Saint Mary’s “Souper Supper” provides nutritional and spiritual nourishment to 60-100 members of the greater Portland community on the 2nd & 4th Fridays of each month from 5 – 7pm. There is no charge for this meal. This Outreach effort is supported largely through sales of specialty bags of Coffee By Design coffee to Saint Mary’s parishioners. Volunteers are always needed to join the Souper Supper team.
Coordinator: Jennifer Gregg
SMUber drivers
This group provides rides to the Holy Eucharist or other Saint Mary’s events for parishioners who are unable to drive themselves.
Coordinator: Jennifer Gregg
St. Elizabeth’s Jubilee Center (formerly Essentials Pantry)
The Center is a welcoming, no-barrier distribution of non-food essentials (e.g.,household & kitchen items, diapers, dental care, feminine hygiene, paper goods, bedding, winter coats/boots and more) to the needy people in the Portland area, regardless of religious affiliation. The Center is open every Tuesday from 9 to 11am in the Lower Parish Hall of the Cathedral Church of Saint Luke, Portland. Saint Marians assist with the distribution once every 6 weeks.
Coordinators: Stan Eaton
The Stewardship Team works to raise funds needed to support our ministries and operating budget through our annual pledge campaign. This Team also hopes to create within all Saint Marians a more holistic understanding of Stewardship: fiscal, environmental, and personal.
Chair: Janet Bowne
Ushers greet and assist parishioners and visitors as they arrive for Sunday worship, count and record the number of people present, distribute the Sunday bulletin, collect and present the offering during the service, and straighten up the church after each liturgy. In addition to Sunday mornings, our ushers really “earn their wings” during Christmas and Holy Week, where people quite literally line the walls and it is “standing-room only”!
Chair: Tom LaPlante, Junior Warden
Wisdom Seekers
The Wisdom Seekers meet weekly (except in July) on Tuesdays at 10:30am for a Bible Study, or book discussion. Also every other Tuesday, Nadine Timberlake leads a Bible Study at Foreside Harbor. All are welcome.
Leader: Nadine Timberlake
Young Life of Casco Bay
Young Life is a world wide ecumenical outreach to young people which seeks to provide teens with safe, life affirming ways to have fun; with trained and screened caring adults who will support them; and with a basic introduction to who Jesus is. Weekly club meetings are open to all and are crazy fun. Our local chapter reaches out to youth in Portland, Falmouth, Cumberland, Yarmouth and Freeport. There is an annual fundraising banquet in October to which all are invited. The Casco Bay race in May also supports this ministry.
Committee Members: The Rev. Jane Milliken Hague, Interim Priest in Charge
Annual Saint Mary’s Fellowship & Fundraising Events
Book, Bake and Soup Sale is held in Winter (usually March). We collect used books which we sell to the broader community. There are also baked goods and soups for sale. All funds are used for mission and charity work coordinated by the Outreach Committee.
Bridge-a-Thon happens in Spring (usually May) and is a wonderful afternoon of bridge, and other 4-person card games with conversation and delicious tea snacks.
Saint Mary’s Summer Soiree & Auction is typically held on the second Saturday in August. It is a wonderful summer event for parishioners and friends to experience S. Mary’s in a relaxed, informal, family-friendly setting. Volunteers are welcome. This is a large and important event for our parish family.
Sparkles is what Saint Mary’s does during the Advent season! The purpose and hope is to welcome the broader community to St. Mary’s and to provide an opportunity for all parishioners to come together in work and play as we prepare for Christmas. Sparkles events always include: Advent 1: Advent Lessons & Carols, Advent Wreath Workshop & Kyros Memorial Tree Lighting; Advent 2: Sparkles Fair & Boutique plus a Bake & Cookie Walk; Advent 3: All Parish Caroling, and Schola Concert followed by a gala reception. Co-Chairs: Val Kyros & Mary Sullivan
And there’s always an opportunity for more!
There’s a place for you here!
If there is a ministry, committee or guild that interests you, call the chairperson, one of the Wardens or a Vestry member for more information.