O Come, Let Us Worship

Worship Schedule

Our doors are open to all who are seeking to worship our Creator and to grow as spiritual beings.

On Sundays, we follow this schedule:

8:00 AMQuiet Eucharist in our Sanctuary (a quiet gathering with Communion and one final hymn)

10:15 AMChoral Eucharist in our Sanctuary (a larger gathering with more music which is also streamed on Facebook Live)

Our Father James P. Dalton-Thompson Chapel


Noonday Prayer is spoken, with a brief meditation, in our Chapel most Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesday (This service is also streamed live on Facebook .)

Saint Mary’s is growing in our commitment to stop and pray for one another and the world each day at 12:00 noon. You can do this in person in our Chapel or online at our Facebook page, or in your own way. Wherever you are Monday through Friday at noon, please join us in prayer!

All livestreamed worship gatherings are available afterward at our Facebook page and eventually here on our website.

During the program year (Sept – mid June) a Healing Eucharist takes place on Thursdays at Noon in our Chapel (also on Facebook Live).

In the summer months (early July – mid August), our midweek worship switches to an outdoor gathering called Mass On the Grass on Wednesdays at 6:00 PM. Informal, inspirational, spiritual, and casual, and still with the Holy Eucharist.  We gather in our Garden next to the Chapel.  If you can bring a lawn chair with you, that’s terrific; if not, a blanket will work just as well.