Pledge Form 2025 Pledge Form 2024 Pledge Form Name * Name First First Last Last Address * Address 2 City * State * Zip * Phone Email In gratitude for God’s blessings, I/We wish to pledge to St. Mary’s for 2025: Amount I/We plan to pay this pledge: weekly monthly quarterly annually Ways to make pledge payments: Pledge options I/We will send or bring pledge payments to office, place in Sunday offering plate, or mail to church office I/We would like to receive offering envelopes to pay pledge by check or cash I/We will set up direct payments to S. Mary’s church from my/our bank I/We will make pledge payments by giving electronically through S. Mary’s website I/We wish to make pledge payments through my IRA and need instructions on the way to do this I/We wish to use Venmo to make pledge payments to @Churchof-SaintMary Information for making Annual Pledge payments with stock: Our transfer agent information has changed. Please contact Beth Shaw to get the new account information ( or 781-3366) I/We have considered a gift from my/our estate(s), and: Estate Planning I/We have included Saint Mary’s in our estate planning I/We would like information on planned estate gifts to Saint Mary’s This Annual Pledge form is a prayer in action that you offer before God for the support of this parish family known as Saint Mary’s, and for the needs of the wider world as well. We understand that circumstances may change after pledges are made. If you need to adjust your pledge, please contact our Parish Manager, Beth Shaw, in confidence. Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.