Middlers – Saint Mary’s Middle School Youth Group

Autumn Middlers meeting in October – November!
At 10am on Sundays from October 13, 2024 through November 24, 2024, all Middle Schoolers (grades 6 – 8) are called to gather in the lower level of the Parish House in the Youth Room (aka game room) to talk about Ultimate Reality! And to play some games, eat some snacks, laugh a little, etc. The autumn Middlers will be led by Jamie & Austin Clark, and Jim & Melissa Kane. Like the Guiding RAY kids, Middlers will be brought over to the Sanctuary around 10:50 to join their families in receiving Communion. If this autumn program works, we’ll do it again in the winter and the spring of 2025. FMI October AVE.
Beyond our parish, youth are also encouraged to engage in Diocesan youth events, joining with teens from around the state in creating new worship experiences and long-lasting friendships. Two events are held each year for high school and middle school respectively. FMI S. Mary AVE or sign up to receive monthly Diocesan e-newsletter at https://episcopalmaine.org/newsletter/
Learn more about youth retreats in the Episcopal Diocese of Maine
Volunteer Opportunities
Saint Mary’s Middlers looking for adult volunteers! Are you over 18 and interested in being a second adult at formation or any other youth event? Are you safe church certified or interested in becoming certified? For more information, email Rev. Jane at JaneMHague@smary.org or Meg at guidingray@smary.org. We would love to have you on board.